Soren Guldberg Kjer C.V.

Fairsosworld soren guldberg kjer
Volunteer OL Rio 2016

About me:

  • Without volunteer coaches, I would not have become who I am today.
  • Voluntary associations provided me with training, support and a sense of responsibility, and I wouldn’t have been where I am now without them.

My name is Soren Guldberg Kjer, and I was raised and still live in Bramming, Denmark.

Born on July 1, 1979, attended primary school, efterskole and højskole. Qualified carpenter in 2001 and today works as a janitor at Gredstedbro school with approx. 320 students.

It started with my mother who was a volunteer instructor at Bramming IF Gymnastics.

She dragged me along to parent-child gymnastics in 1982 and my father dragged me on to football and handball, it also led to several seasons in swimming . This is how my character was built, from childhood through adolescence, and made me the person I am today, fulfilled through various voluntary projects:

  • Street Gymnast International
  • Street Handball International
  • Outdoor Handball
  • Handball Revolution
  • Street Sport Day Bramming

And especially

  • #fairsosworld



  • Capital Institute of Physical Education Beijing – Tai Chi – Kinesisk. 10 mdr.


  • Gymnastikhøjskolen Ollerup (1 year).

Visit the Gymnastics Folk High School here>>

About: A folk high school is a non-formal residential school offering learning opportunities in almost any subject. Most students are between 18 and 24 years old and the length of a typical stay is 4 months. It is a boarding school, so you sleep, eat, study and spend your spare time at the school. There are no academic requirements for admittance, and there are no exams – but you will get a diploma as a proof of your attendance. Read more here>>

1997 – 2001

  • Teknisk skole: Carpenter (4 year)

1996 – 1997

  • Ribe Business school 1-year basic training (Subject: Handball)

1995 – 1996

  • Koldingegnens Idrætsefterskole, 10. grade. (1 year)

Visit the Sports School here>>

About: The efterskole is a unique Danish independent residential school for students between 14 and 18 years old. Presently 30.669 students are attending one of the approximately 240 schools throughout Denmark. Read more here>>

1986 – 1995

  • Public school – Bakkevejens Skole, 9. grade. Bramming.

Courses/Voluntary work:


  • Volunteer: Street Handball workshops for Street Handball Zambia.
  • Volunteer: Street Handball training together with Bramming IF Håndbold.


  • Volunteer: Street Handball training together with Bramming IF Håndbold.


  • Volunteer: Sclerosis Association and Alzheimer’s Association


  • Volunteer: Open Street Sports Day (Gadeidrættens dag) Bramming


  • Volunteer: Festival del Sole, Italy, International Gymnastics Festival.


  • Courses: DHF Handball – Modul 9 – Attack and physical training U10-U12

See videos here>>


  • Volunteer: Olympics Rio De Janeiro ( I  have also been tourist 3 times: Atheens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012)


  • Volunteer: Gymnaestrada Helsinki.
  • Volunteer: World Championships, Trampoline, DMT,Tumbling, Odense, DK
  • Volunteer: World Women’s Handball Championship, Kolding, Denmark.


  • Until now – Volunteer Street Gymnast International


  • Volunteer: 121.IOC Session & XIII Olympic Congress Copenhagen. 12 dage.


  • Til present – Volunteer Street Handball International


  • Courses: DGI Seminar in Germany – Street Sport for Europe.


  • Volunteer: DGI – Fairfootball: co-organizer for 9 Nations’ ”EM” uge KBH. 1 week.


  • Courses: Danmarks Gymnastik Idrætsfor.:  Instructor’s role as coach and team developer.


  • Courses: Dansk Svømme Union: basic training 1 / certified lifeguard.


  • Courses: Danmarks Idræts Forbund – Plan your training!

Spare time:

Handball, Football, Team Gymnastics, Tai Chi Chuan, Tabletennis, Swimming, Tennis,  Windsurfing and Skiing.

Bramming IF Handball Match programme 2000-2001:

Bramming IF Haandbold Kampprogram 2000 2001 Soren Guldberg Kjer Fairsosworld

Profile of the week – Series 2 Men

Name: Søren Kjær

Nickname: Pip

Age: 21 years

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 83 kg

Position: Playmaker/line

Strengths: Søren is among the best defenders in the club, and especially

his blockings are excellent. His abilities in defense are primarily due to his

good overview, which also benefits him in the attacking. He distributes

well to his co-players and sets quite a few things in motion. He also has good 

shots form a standing position that provide quite a few goals during the season. Søren is also a skilled lines player, and despite his young age, he is not afraid to take responsibility when it pressure is on.

Weaknesses: Søren can sometimes lose patience in the attack.

The local volunteer coaches I’ve had and become who I am today I’ve had over time have been: (Please let me know if I’ve forgotten you.)

  • Gymnastics coaches: Hanne Guldberg (Mother), Susanne R. Sørensen, Henrik Christiansen, Jesper Larsen, Ulla Lambek, Peter Korsholm, Søren Kristensen, Bjarne, Ketty, Per Flyvbjerg, Anja Marie Lorenzen, Ann-Britt Nordby, Peter Uhrenholt, Lars Boel, Steen Dyreby Jensen Sigersted, Kim Rahbek, Anette Baltzer, Anette Hansen, Morten Stenger, Mads Bakken Hansen, Sebastian Kjærgaard Andersen, Keld Stenger, Lene Stenger
  • Handball coaches: Freddy Gregersen, Jørn Kåe, Alex Kjær (Father), Michael Hedegaard, Søren Olesen,
  • Football coaches: Herluf Hansen, Torben Sørensen, H.C. Thomsen, Knud Erik Pedersen, John Hansen, Bent Lauridsen, Bjarne Jacobsen, Alex Kjær (Father)

Coach experience:


  • Gymnastics Jump Mix 3-4 grade Bramming IF
  • Handball Fitness in Bramming IF

2016 – 2024 

  • Street Handball Fair Play Coach for summer handball in Bramming IF Handball

2016 – 18

  • Handball: U10 Boys in Bramming IF.


  • Handball: U12 Boys – Bramming IF


  • DBU Football School Sædding Guldager

2009 – 2010

  • 3-4 grade Jump Boys Gymnastics – Bramming IF


  • Handball Referee


  • Assistant coach in Beijing to a school handball team and Wushu team.

2006 – 2007

  • Handball Boys  Bramming IF Håndbold

2006 – 2007

  • Gymnastics Youth Team in Bramming IF

2004 – 2005

  • Gymnastics The Sunday in Team in Kollerup

2003 – 2004

  • Gymnastics Aspirant Team Boys in Gørding


  • Gymnastics: Boys puslinge in Bramming IF


  • Football: Micro 91 – 1999 drenge Bramming Boldklub 


  • Football: Micro 90 in Bramming Boldklub