– Volunteering – the best way to change the world.
Just do it!!! 🙏
– I would like to tell a little about the way I grew up with voluntary work, and how in Denmark we make a big difference through voluntary participation.

– It is my hope it will change our world and communities into a better place…
– What do you do to make a difference in your local area / neighborhood?

– You can make a difference by sharing your
volunteer instagram picture and by adding the
to your picture on IG
You can explore the newest here on
You can click the menu or
see below the kind of difference I make
and have made through volunteering:
– Sport – Charity –
It started with my mother who was a volunteer instructor.
My name is Soren Guldberg Kjer, and I was raised and still live in Bramming, Denmark.

– Sport in any form has the power
to change the world..

– Change the world through charity…
– Make it greener / healthier.

Once Upon A Time video made after my stay in Beijijng 2008
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